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B.O.D. Chemicals Inc./Les Chimiques B.O.D. Inc.

BioXy Enviro

  • Product Type

    General Use Disinfectant

  • Uses/Surfaces

    Building surfaces (Ceilings/Walls/Floors), Drains, Floors, Footbaths, Non-Production Area Surfaces, Plastic Surfaces, Work Surfaces/Counters

  • Description

    BIOXY ENVIRO is a powder, when dissolved in water, produces three active disinfectants; peroxy-acetic agent, hydrogen peroxide and two quaternary chains of fourth generation at a near neutral pH, making it safe for users. BIOXY ENVIRO is a hard surfaces disinfectant used for the food and beverage industry, agricultural community, fogging, foot baths, cleaning and general disinfection. The powder breaks down quickly and leaves no trace in the environment, in addition to having no microbial resistance.


    For food contact surfaces, rinse thoroughly with potable water after treatment with BIOXY ENVIRO. No rinse is required with 200 ppm solution of BIOXY ENVIRO.


    Approved by Health Canada for use in Food Premises: DIN 02431734.

  • Quality Assurance Documents

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