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B.O.D. Chemicals Inc./Les Chimiques B.O.D. Inc.


  • Product Type

    General Use Sanitizer

  • Uses/Surfaces

    CIP/Irrigation Systems and Tanks

  • Description

    Formulated for use in the food processing industry, greenhouses, and wherever food is handled or prepared. BOD SAN 5 OXY is a balanced blend of peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, and water. BOD SAN 5 OXY is designed to sanitize surfaces that come into contact with food. BOD SAN 5 OXY acts in CIP systems as well as in tanks, evaporators, pasteurizers, white rooms, racking machines, etc., as well as in dairy and beverage factories, and other food and meat processing plants.


    BENEFITS: Environment-friendly. Effective on a wide spectrum of microorganisms. Non-corrosive on stainless steel. Non-foaming. Can be combined with the acid cleaning operation and calibrated by conductivity.

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