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Groupe CAM-J Inc.

Classik Multi-Acid Descaler

  • Product Type

    Cleaner and Degreaser

  • Uses/Surfaces

    Aluminum Surfaces, Dishes, Non-Production Area Surfaces, Sinks, Stainless Steel

  • Description

    Use this acid-based product where other cleaning products fail to clean in your kitchen. Will eliminate those white stains before they become a hard to remove crust. Effective at removing scale, tartar, rust and any soap residues from all surfaces. Safe for use on aluminum, stainless steel, and rubber. Can also be used to unclog showerheads. This product has a pH of 0.0 (contains up to 30% phosphoric acid = super acidic).


    Safe for food contact surfaces. Surfaces in direct contact with food must be rinsed with drinkable water after treatment with the product.


    Since 1988, Groupe Cam-J Inc. has manufactured the Classik brand. These products are phosphate free and VOC free.

  • Quality Assurance Documents

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