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Higrocorp Inc.


  • Product Type

    Plant Growth Regulator

  • Uses/Surfaces

    Improve plant vitality and/or promote growth.

  • Description

    EZ-Gro TRIA contains triacontanol, a powerful plant growth regulator naturally found in abundance in the leaves of most plants. Triacontanol affects many aspects of growth and results in increased yield, uptake of water and nutrients as well as fruit and flower number, size and quality, and essential oil production. It also triggers the release of adenosine, a fastacting second messenger important for the regulation of transpiration and translocation of sugar and other metabolites. Apply EZ-Gro TRIA to enhance growth, protect against abiotic stress, and increase overall crop yields.

  • Quality Assurance Documents

Images, marketing materials and quality assurance documents provided by Higrocorp Inc.

‘Fair Dealing’ Copyright Disclaimer: The information herein is for research, private study, review, and educational purposes, as per Section 29 of the Canadian Copyright Act.

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