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Cantol Corporation

TECH LA Liquid Acid Cleaner

  • Product Type

    General Purpose Cleaner

  • Uses/Surfaces

    CIP/Irrigation Systems and Tanks, Ice-Making Machines, Metals Tools/Equipment, Pipes, Stainless Steel

  • Description

    TECH LA is an odourless, low foaming liquid acid cleaner. The acid, emulsifier and penetrants work together for the rapid removal of hard water deposits, scale, rust and dirt. The low foaming feature enables TECH LA to be used in clean-in-place (CIP) systems; as well as with clean-out-of-place (COP) methods: soak, spray wash, hand scrubbing. TECH LA does not have objectionable or corrosive fumes and can be used on stainless steel with no danger of chloride stress corrosion. Mineral deposits are dissolved and held in suspension thus minimizing redeposition. Rust is chemically removed with TECH LA without the need for aggressive fuming acids. The cleaning effectiveness, economical dilutions with water and the excellent rinsability of TECH LA provides this liquid acid cleaner with the ability to maintain a sanitary surface.

  • Quality Assurance Documents

Corrosive, causes eye and skin damage. Product is highly acidic (phosphoric acid, pH 0.7). Wear appropriate PPE when handling.

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