Quality SOP, Recall, Simulated Recall
PURPOSE: This procedure describes the steps for initiating a recall of cannabis product sold, distributed, or exported. This SOP must be conducted prior to launching an actual recall (in accordance with QA.SOP-008: Executing a Recall).
This SOP complies to the Cannabis Regulations : Part 2, s.46; Part 12, s.247.
Includes the following documents:
1. QA.SOP-007: Initiating and Simulating a Recall
2. APPENDIX.QA-007A: Supply Chain Client Recall Notice
3. APPENDIX.QA-007B: Consumer Recall Notice
4. FORM.QA-007A: Recall Risk Assessment
5. FORM.QA-007B: Recall Initiation Checklist
6. FORM.QA-007C: Client Contact Form
7. FORM.QA-007D: Initial Recall Report
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