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Higrocorp Inc.


  • Product Type

    Nutrient Additive or Supplement

  • Uses/Surfaces

    Improve plant vitality and/or promote growth.

  • Description

    EZ-Gro Armour-L 0-0-15 is a concentrated Potassium Silicate liquid fertilizer additive that can help your plants protect themselves against a myriad of stresses including moisture, temperature, salt, and heavy metals.


    The Silicon Dioxide contained in Potassium Silicate offers two levels of protection – silicon inserts into the cell wall forming a physiological barrier, while also activating biochemical pathways to increase water usage efficiency and promote growth in response to, or despite of, abiotic stress. Apply EZ-Gro Armour-L 0-0-15 during times of stress to help your crops defend themselves and survive detrimental conditions.

  • Quality Assurance Documents

‘Fair Dealing’ Copyright Disclaimer: The information herein is for research, private study, review, and educational purposes, as per Section 29 of the Canadian Copyright Act.

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