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Higrocorp Inc.

EZ-GRO Prime

  • Product Type

    Plant Biostimulant, Plant Growth Regulator

  • Uses/Surfaces

    Improve plant vitality and/or promote growth.

  • Description

    EZ-Gro Prime is a CFIA registered plant biostimulant containing potent growth regulators and stimulants such as IBA, Kinetin, Salicylic Acid, Vitamins B1 and C. Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is a growth-promoting phytohormone known as an auxin. Kinetin, a cytokinin, stimulates cell proliferation and differentiation. Salicylic Acid improves resistance to drought and environmental stress, enhances hardiness, flowering and fruit yield. Together these compounds stimulate root formation and improve rooting percentage, increase crop yield, and improve fruit and grain size and quality. Apply EZ-Gro Prime to significantly enhance your crops roots and even reduce transplant shock.

  • Quality Assurance Documents

Images, marketing materials and quality assurance documents provided by Higrocorp Inc.

‘Fair Dealing’ Copyright Disclaimer: The information herein is for research, private study, review, and educational purposes, as per Section 29 of the Canadian Copyright Act.

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